surprising prices|surprising price in English

shocking prices

Use "surprising prices|surprising price" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surprising prices|surprising price" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surprising prices|surprising price", or refer to the context using the word "surprising prices|surprising price" in the English Dictionary.

1. Huh, it's hardly surprising.

2. The result might be surprising.

3. That's a really surprising number.

4. 15 His ignorance is surprising.

5. Ah: how surprising, doubtful, or unbelievable.

6. 9 It's not surprising they lost.

7. Fairy tales have a surprising profundity.

8. He Boggled at the surprising news

9. This has a rather surprising implication.

10. She told me a surprising thing.

11. 19 He gave a rather surprising answer.

12. 7 A surprising number of people came.

13. We had a surprising amount in common.

14. 28 There are some surprising -- and not so surprising -- winners and losers among the areas, which are listed alphabetically.

15. Here are 10 surprising facts about Chickens:

16. He plays the piano with surprising facility.

17. Commercial banking was a surprising hot spot.

18. Cattails have a surprising function and history

19. Such assaults are shocking but not surprising.

20. So the hyperbole is not actually surprising.

21. Surprising for a big CIA pulse detector.

22. 3 She told me a surprising thing.

23. He received the news with surprising equanimity.

24. The second appellation is somewhat more surprising.

25. Africans carry surprising amount of Neanderthal DNA